We are keen to keep in contact with you … however …
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on May 25th 2018, requires that De Partu provide its members and “followers” with specific details of the personal information that is held on record about them, and obtain explicit, current consent for specific uses of that information for communication purposes.
We have provided you with an online form to indicate your communication preferences, which will take you only a matter of seconds to complete and submit. It applies both to members and to “followers”. So please don’t drop off the radar; complete it today!
Fuller information about De Partu’s use of personal data is given in its Data Privacy Notice, q.v.
N.B. A technical problem with this form, which meant that only one of the options could be selected, has now been rectified – 16/05/2018
Hi there, I’m a midwife at the Barkantine birth centre. I did join De Partu many years ago but life got in the way of keeping up with events. I have now started my masters in midwifery and would dearly love to reconnect.