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Janette Allotey:
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:27:32 +0100
From: Salim Al-Gailani
Subject: Debating Reproduction at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas
Cambridge Festival of Ideas
Debating Reproduction: Hospital Birth
1st November 2012
5.30pm – 7pm
Mill Lane Lecture Room 9, 8 Mill Lane
University of Cambridge
Around 1900, very few babies in Britain were born in hospitals; by the end
of the century, hardly any were not. The Wellcome Trust funded ‘Generation
to Reproduction Project’ presents a debate on the history of medical and
social issues surrounding this ‘revolution’ in childbirth.
The subject of the debate will be:
‘The hospitalization of childbirth has historically benefited birthing
women less than their doctors.’
In order to focus on historical perspectives, the debate will be framed
around the causes of the transition to the hospital and what it has meant
for birthing women, midwives and doctors. We ask why the place of birth
became so controversial in the decades after World War Two and continues to
polarize opinion.
Our panel includes: Cathy Warwick (General Secretary, Royal College of
Midwives), Hilary Marland (Professor of History, University of Warwick),
Tania McIntosh (Lecturer in midwifery and history of midwifery, University
of Nottingham), Joanna Kavenna (Novelist, author of The Birth of Love,
Bookings are filling rapidly. There is no charge, but pre-booking is
To book, email:
Dr Janette Allotey
University of Manchester
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work,
University Place
Oxford Rd
M13 9PL
tel +44(0)161 306 7732
Reception +44(0)161 306 7732
Janette C Allotey
Read more: Janette C Allotey
Campus map:
Chair of De Partu: History of Childbirth Research Group
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