History of Medicine and Healthcare Societies

Medical History Societies in the UK

Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society
Here is an examples of a medical society with an extensive archive and library. You would be fortunate to have one in your area who have such accessible records.
Contact details.and office hours are listed on the website

The Society holds a wealth of documents which form a unique record of local, national and international medical developments. Some of these can be accessed below:.
Afghanistan: The First Afghan War
Antarctic Exploration
Medical Education
History of Forensic Medicine in Aberdeen
King’s Evil
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health
Royal Connections
History of Mental Health in Aberdeen
Contributed by Mike Davidson

Bristol Medico-Historical Society

British Society for the History of ENT   

British Society for the History of Paediatrics and Child Health

British Society for the History of Pharmacy

British Society for the History of Radiology

De Partu History of Childbirth Group
De Partu  is interested in all aspects of childbirth and midwifery, from Ancient Egypt to the present day. Although it is principally an online forum, with a presence on Facebook and Twitter (@de_partu), we also aim to have a ‘real’ meeting every year.
Our book reviews naturally focus on the history of childbirth and midwifery in its broadest sense, and have recently extended in scope to include relevant historical fiction. No date limit is set for inclusion, since older work may still be of scholarly value.contact Dr Janette Allotey
Email:  jcadepartu@gmail.com

Devon and Exeter Medical Society

Friends of Millbank
Celebrating the heritage and achievements of military medicine, and its relevance for healthcare worldwide. You are warmly invited to our talks in the original lecture theatre at the former Royal Army Medical College, Millbank (now Chelsea College of Arts).
Contact Details: David Vassallo, Chairman. info@friendsofmillbank.org.

Herbal History Research Network

Historical Medical Equipment Society
Secretary: Dr Peter Mohr
The HMES is concerned with the study & collection of old surgical instruments and other medical, hospital & pharmacy equipment.
Further information & membership details from peter.mohr@manchester.ac.uk

History of Medicine Society of Wales

Hunterian Society

Lindsay Society for the History of Dentistry
Osler Club of London

Royal College of Physicians

Royal College of Psychiatrists – History of Psychiatry Special Interest Group (HoPSIG)

Royal Society of Medicine – History of Medicine Society
Email: history@rsm.ac.uk
Tel: (+44) (0) 20 7290 2985
1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE
Section administrator, phone Tel: (+44) (0) 20 7290 2985, email:  history@rsm.ac.uk
For details and events see our notice board and www.rsm.ac.uk/academ/smthisto.php
History of Medicine Publications from the the RSM include The Journal of Medical Biography

The Scottish Society of the History of Medicine

Sheffield Aesculapian Society
contact Dr Stephen Brennan
email  stevebrennan2000@yahoo.co.uk

Suffolk Medical History Society

Ulster Society for the History of Medicine

West Sussex History of Medicine Society

Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of
London (Faculty of the History and
Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy)
Tel: 020 7236 1189    www.apothecaries.org/
The Faculty run two diploma courses. The Diploma in the History of Medicine and the Diploma in Ethics and Philosophy.
Contact: Maria Ferran, Faculty Coordinator Email: facultyhp@apothecaries.org
The Friends of the Archives encourages members of the general public to join with them in helping raise funds for the conservation of the material in the archives and  also helps with the purchase of relevant acquisitions as necessary.
Email: friends@apothecaries.org
Both faculties and friends hold evening lectures with eminent international speakers that are worldly renowned. Memberships are available for all of the above.
The schedule of forthcoming Eponymous lectures  (with subscription supper) is available here.