Literature, Poetry and Visual Art

Some publications on art in medicine (from David Wright)

Medicine and Art    by Alan and Marcia Emery,
CRC Press, 2002    ISBN 978-185315501

Surgical and Medical Treatment in Art    by Alan and Marcia Emery,
RSM Press, 2006    ISBN 978-1853156953    

Mother and Childcare in Art    by Alan and Marcia Emery,
CRC Press, 2006    ISBN 978-1853156298

Medicine in Art (Guide to Imagery    by Giorgio Bordin and Laura Polo D’Ambrosia
Paul Getty Museum  2010    ISBN 978-1606060445                                        

The Sick Rose or Disease and the Art of Medical Illustration by Richard Barnett.
Thames & Hudson  2014     ISBN 978-0-500-51734-5


Some links to the medical Humanities (from David Wright)

Medical Humanities Journal

Institute of Medical Ethics

Leeds arts and humanities research institute

The arts and medicine

The relationship between the arts and medicine  by Anne Scott
Medical Humanities 2000; 26: 3-8

The arts and medicine a challenging relationship