Tag Archives: history of medicine

BSHM Congress 2023

Consult the past to understand the future

13-16 September 2023

Cardiff University

The President and Officers of the British Society for the History of Medicine look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 BSHM Congress at Cardiff University. Participation is open to all interested in the history of medicine and there are reduced rates for students.


  • Medicine in War and Conflict
  • Literature and Visual Art as Historical Resources
  • Medicine in the Age of European Colonialism

Papers and posters on general topics in the history of medicine are also welcome.


Medical Care and Military Surgery during the British Civil Wars: The Civil War Petitions Project

Professor Andrew Hopper (Professor of Local and Social History) & Dr Ismini Pells (Departmental Lecturer), Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford.

A Taste of One’s Own Medicine: Medical Satire at the Royal College of Physicians

Lowri Jones (Senior Curator) & Sarah Backhouse (Exhibitions Officer), Royal College of Physicians, London.

Medical Research on the Edges of Empire: British Colonial Medicine in the 19th Century

Dr Elise Smith (Associate Professor in the History of Medicine), University of Warwick.

Further details


Please direct enquiries to: congress2023@bshm.org.uk


We invite abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations on any of the symposium themes and general topics in the history of medicine for consideration by the Congress review panel.

  • Abstract titles should be no more than 15 words.
  • The abstract text should be no longer than 300 words.
  • It may contain three references to be included in the total word count.

The organisers cannot guarantee to accept more than submission for oral presentation and one for poster presentation from each delegate.

The deadline for receipt of abstract submissions is 31 May 2023.

Authors of successful submissions will be notified by 7 July 2023.

Please note that final acceptance is subject to the presenter registering as a delegate to the Congress.

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions and presenters will be required to keep strictly to time. Presentations should be in PowerPoint and must be submitted before the conference. It will not be possible for delegates to use their personal laptops or memory sticks at the Congress.

The format required for posters will be confirmed upon acceptance.



The BSHM welcomes all who are interested in the history of medicine to attend the Congress.

BSHM MEMBERS are entitled to a reduced registration fee.

If you are a member of an organisation affiliated to the BSHM, please register your status as a BSHM member online: CLICK HERE

If you wish to apply for BSHM Individual Membership please complete the online application form: CLICK HERE

When registering for the Congress, please indicate whether you are an Individual Member or BSHM Member of an Affiliated Organisation.

FULL-TIME POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS* can register at member rates.

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS* are invited to participate at a specially reduced rate.

* Students must be registered on a full-time course at a recognised educational institution.

Please note that the John Blair Trust offers a limited number of small travel grants to enable undergraduate students to participate in the BSHM Congress: CLICK HERE

Early bird rates available until 21 July 2023.

Registration will close on 2 September 2023.